Localized bulging over the abdominal wall on straining and disappear or reduces in size is called a hernia. It’s called Inguinal Hernia if occurs above the scrotal area. Unilateral if occurs on one side and bilateral if occurs on both sides. Inguinal hernia is the commonest of all hernias.
Patient complains of dragging pain or discomfort over the pubic region on standing or walking and a localized soft bulging over the pubic region on standing position, reduces on lying down and comes out on straining. Most of the inguinal hernias are diagnosed by clinical examination. Ultrasonography or CT scan is required in selected cases where detection is difficult by clinical examination.
Avoid and treat factors like constipation, difficulty in passing urine, Chronic cough etc. before operation. Should avoid abdominal exercise because straining may cause pain, increase in the size of hernia and even obstruction